Ponnte, also called The Sleeping City[1] is a flooded city with many high, ruined skyscrapers by the ocean. The ruined state of the buildings and streets indicate that it had been destroyed by bombs during the last civil war.
People travel by canoe, boat or string bridges hung between the buildings.
Ponnte is generally a peaceful city as it is far away from Fort Anne and avoided by desert nomads, due to the flooding. However, their food is strongly irradiated.[2]
People here work mainly as fishermen.
Their symbol appears to be a stylized fish hook, Power-Icon as well as an Information-i.
Ponnte is based on the real world city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
[1] https://www.deviantart.com/jackarais/art/The-Sleeping-City-2-567756285[2] “Don’t eat or drink anything these people offer you. It’s irradiated to shit.” - Skip Ch03pg68, Ch03pg73