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Bicycle Boy Wiki

Fort Anne icon

A large city, annexed by a rogue militia[1] led by The Senator during the last civil war.

The city consists of many large buildings which are just moderately run down and covered in lots of vines and greenery.

The city of Fort Anne is powered by a Nuclear Power Plant 60 km south of the city.[5]

The fascist state has been increasing its area of influence over the years by “culling” the area by burning it.[3] The closer one gets to the city, the more lush the area becomes, even though it is littered with human remains and ruined buildings. [4]

Their symbol appears to be an upside down fist.

Many soldiers patrol the area around the city and spies are sent out to gather information. The Senator brands all her soldiers with a row of numbers tattooed on their hands for organization. Her prisoners have a number on their neck.[2] All soldiers appear to wear red tinted eyewear and a red cloth somewhere.


Fort Anne is based on the real world city of Detroit in Michigan, USA.


[1] Machk talking about the war Ch08pg70
[2] Talking about the meaning of the number tattoos: Ch07pg44
[3] “Oho, this shit’s been goin’ on since long before the world reset.” - Darla C08pg15
[4] “...either of you notice it’s getting prettier as we go?” - Darla Ch08pg27
[5] Skip explaining why Fort Anne has power Ch09pg27