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Bicycle Boy Wiki

Cortez Bunkerlab

Cortez hideout lies under a ruined theater in Fort Anne.

The lab can be entered through a hatch with a number lock under a hidden staircase in the entrance hall of the theatre. Another entrance is the garage that leads to the theatre parking lot. The lab has many rooms, but is overall still small. There is a main lab room, a kitchen, storage rooms, resident rooms, offices, a patient ward and a surgery room, amongst others.

Cortez lab is stuffed with many supplies like batteries and medicine, which have become rare in the post-apocalyptic world.

Because Cortez was paranoid about the apocalypse, she created this bunker with a lab inside it, so she could continue her research. It was partially funded unknowingly by the Senator.[1]

Cortez, Dr. Smith and Poet lived in this bunker for 10 years.


The ruined theatre is based on the old Michigan Theater inside the Michigan Building in Detroit, which was turned into a parking lot.


[1] "The Senator paid for everything. Even this place, without realizing it." - Skip CH09P46